MUHLE Shaving Bowl in Black Porcelain

MÜHLE Shaving Bowl in Black Porcelain


Regular price £35.00
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Traditional shaving mug made of black porcelain. Elegant and practical thanks to the handle that is easy to hold, this accessory with an extra high rim is suitable for all MÜHLE shaving soaps.

After whipping up the lather with one of our shaving brushes, the small elevation at the bottom ensures that the soap doesn't get soggy but stays dry until the next use.

Made in Germany.


Its manufactures dates back to ancient China; in Europe, 'white gold' was first produced in 1708. An elegant, delicate material which must be worked with extreme care, from the manufacture of the blank shapes to the completed individual piece. Each body is shaped, glazed and fired by hand.

Made in Germany since 1945. Premium quality shaving brushes, razors, shaving creams, shaving soaps, beard care products and a wide range of skin care products including an innovative natural cosmetic series.


MÜHLE shaving accessories